streda 1. júna 2011

The colorful summer is calling you

Výsledok môjho dnešného ´učenia´ heh. Netrvalo to ani 5 minút, skúšala som paletu očných tieňov z H&M. Trošku ma len hnevá, že nie sú až take pigmentové ako som čakala podľa žiarivých farieb, veľmi jemné a ľahké a moc dlho nevydržia, v lete určite nie :D spodná linka je trblietavá očná linka z oriflame a aj čierna linka je z oriflame :) dnes mi nejak ide dávať posty, bude to tým, že mi po rozum chodí všeličo iné len nie to čo by malo :/
TRANSLATE: This is the result of my learning for exam :D It didnt took longer that  5 minutes. I xperimented with my H&M eyeshadows. But they are too light and they dont last for long, in summer sure not. then i used a tyrkys liner and a black one :)i really should learn but i have so many thoughts and cant concentrate :/

14 komentárov:

  1. gorgeous, I wish I could do my makeup like that

  2. Pekné, kleopatra inšpiráciou? ;-) stres má na teba super vplyv!

    (prebieha giveaway)

  3. well I dont know if the eyeshadows will last or not but the result is amazing!
    I wish I could do my eyes like that.. looks incredibly awesome!

  4. I love it, the electric blue eyeliner is amazing!


  5. Wow! You did a really good job <3

  6. Wow that is a beautiful job. You should do makeup tutorials when you finish your certification.


  7. wow, I love it! this is Art <3
    5 minutes, really?! I would spend 20minutes at least xD
